Ministry Interview: Discipling Women to be Disciples – A Legacy of Worship – Fellowship Church Dallas

Ministry Interview: Discipling Women to be Disciples

We ask Ana Ramirez, Women’s Ministry leader, how our goals in A Legacy of Worship can impact the discipling of women in our church and community. Here’s what she has to say…

Why do you feel called to lead this ministry?

I became a Christian at the age of 30. I had four children ages 10, 9, 5, and a 5 month old baby. I soon realized that I had to explain this change to my children, and I was always looking for ways to share the Gospel with them. Our whole world had changed. My husband became a follower of Christ a month after I did. I needed help on how to re-train my children. Therefore, I began to study the Scriptures, and seek older women who could help me. I began to see that there are many women who need help in training their children, and in their walk with the Lord. I prayed for God to show me where I could be used for His glory.

How has being part of this strengthened your relationship with the Lord?

I realize more than anything else, my need to depend on the Lord for His wisdom and His leading. I need to listen to the women in our church body. I take this leadership position very seriously. Therefore, I know how important it is for me to be in communion with the Lord. One thing I keep high on my list is NOT to look for the praise of men.

How have you seen others grow who have been part of the ministry?

I would have to say that I have seen Lauren Hodne, and Alison Lesinski mature so much as they lead the ladies at JAM. I have seen Kara McEntee and Leeann Manzoni work together and I see their desire to please God. It is a blessing for me to see them excited for God and helpful to other young mothers.

How do you see the expansion of our facilities impacting your ministry?

I see that this would enable us to have a larger group of ladies attend from various local churches, and unite with us in bringing to our area a variety of known teachers/speakers to minister to all of us. It also would help us unite with other women in our area, and be able to not only have fellowship with them, but see what direction God is leading them and how we can encourage one another to fulfill the Great Commission.

In what ways will this be able to better fulfill its purpose upon completion of the master plan?

First of all, its purpose is to make disciples of us and others. This goal takes time and much prayer, we cannot save anyone, only God can do that. At times, my heart is overwhelmed with the enormous needs women have when it comes to spiritual growth & maturity. Yet, we do not take time to pray. It is my personal struggle with prayer that brings this clearly to my mind. We need to be teaching women to study God’s Word and to read daily. A vibrant Women’s Ministry should be committed to God’s Word and to each other. This will strengthen not just the Women within the church, but the whole church body as well and ultimately the whole church. My prayer is that upon completion, we will fulfill this command “Pray without ceasing”…1Thess.5:17.