Ministry Interview: Mothers Supporting Mothers to Build the Fellowship Body – A Legacy of Worship – Fellowship Church Dallas

Ministry Interview: Mothers Supporting Mothers to Build the Fellowship Body

We asked Lauren Hodne, one of our Just Among Moms leaders, to share how the expansion of our facilities impacts this ministry and achieving the purpose of ministering to young moms. Here’s what she had to say:
How long have you been part of the ministry?

JAM (Just Among Moms) began as a dream of Marci Schmucker, a former member of our church. She asked Alison Lesinski and me to join her in starting a mom’s ministry similar to the MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) model. Marci and her husband Aaron were suddenly called to move to Colorado in August of 2012 and we had our first meeting in September of 2012! It’s clear that God had a plan for this ministry and I’m grateful to Marci for listening to His leading. She left such a meaningful mark on Fellowship Church!

Why do you feel called to lead this ministry?

I can personally attest that the early years of mothering can be so DEEPLY…tiring, isolating, confusing…and they seem endless.

It’s incredibly uplifting to have a community of like-minded moms, committed to raising great kids and yet willing to be honest about the challenges.

How does this ministry play a part in the Church’s mission?

“We exist to pervade the Back Mountain, Wyoming Valley and the world with the Gospel by making disciples who make disciples and who display the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ in every phase of their lives.”

On the surface, JAM is a practical ministry. It provides a fun morning for moms that need to get out of the house and chat. But as moms walk into our church building, the ministry leaders and regular participants have the opportunity to meet their deeper needs. We can point them to Jesus as their ultimate strength. We can offer discipleship, marriage help, parenting resources and spiritual activities for their kids. As we build solid relationships, the moms also become the ministers. It’s a great loop of spiritual encouragement for women at an exhausting time of life and it communicates that Fellowship Church cares about families.

What is your favorite memory while being a part of the ministry?

Last year, I came to one of our JAM meetings without a clear agenda. I introduced a topic for discussion and then just sat back to chat. The Holy Spirit took over the conversation!

Women shared their burdens and received scriptural encouragement in return. I think we were all moved by the sincere friendship in the circle and excited about the spiritual connection.

God also used that meeting to expand my vision for the potential of JAM.

How has being part of this ministry strengthened your relationship with the Lord?

Well – 2 Corinthians 12:9 comes to mind! “‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’ Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me.” Through my own challenges in leading JAM, I have experienced His grace and strength. I know He will continue to accomplish His purpose and I’m happy to be along for the ride!

How have you seen others grow who have been part of the ministry?

I’m most encouraged by the strong friendships that are building among the moms of our church (and moms outside of our church!) that include transparency and spiritual focus. Young moms are ministering to one another -and it’s a gift to be on the giving or receiving end of that kind of friendship. I also see that as these women find connection and strength personally, they are turning to contribute to the needs of the whole church body.

How do you see the expansion of our facilities impacting your ministry and achieving your purpose?

Fellowship Church has always done a wonderful job caring for our children. As young families come to JAM or church on a Sunday morning and experience smiling volunteers and cheerful spaces, I believe they already feel confident that their children are loved. However, in our current culture it takes hard work to earn the trust of protective parents. Carefully designing a larger, safer, efficient nursery will only contribute to the sense that children and families are a priority at Fellowship Church.