Ministry Interview: Developing Relationships Through Our Outreach Ministries – A Legacy of Worship – Fellowship Church Dallas

Ministry Interview: Developing Relationships Through Our Outreach Ministries

We asked Marie Higgs and Kathy Williams, respective deacons of our Clothes Closet and Food Pantry, how A Legacy of Worship impacts these ministries of mercy. Here’s what they had to say:


Why do you feel called to lead this ministry?

Marie: “For many years it was a desire of mine to own a consignment shop. Since God didn’t let it happen, and I was asked by Kathy Dimmick to help set it up, she saw how much I liked doing it and asked me if I wanted to run it. I prayed and gladly accepted knowing it was God’s will.”

Kathy: Ministry leader of the Food Pantry was not on originally Kathy’s radar when she began regularly volunteering at Fellowship Church three days a week. Her volunteerism included helping with the bulletin and other office needs. Working in the Food Pantry just naturally followed. It was through some encouragement from head deaconess, Kathy Dimmick, and prayer that Kathy felt the Lord’s calling to lead this ministry.


How does this ministry play a part in the Church’s mission?

Marie:It is an amazing outreach to so many, especially the ladies from Clem-Mar. Several ladies have chosen to stay in our area when their time was finished at Clem-Mar instead of returning home or relocating somewhere else. I believe it’s because of our church and the Clothes Closet ministry and friendships.”

Kathy: The ministry of the food pantry plays a very vital role in the church’s mission because the food pantry directly serves the community, specifically the Back Mountain and the Wyoming Valley. Our community sees Christ in us because we are tangibly meeting their needs.


What is your favorite memory while being a part of the ministry?

Marie: “When Kathy Dimmick and I were setting up the Clothes Closet. It took us a long time to do it and I got to know Kathy on a personal level and we became close friends.”

Kathy: Kathy mentioned that she loves the community involvement in the food pantry. Several local grocery stores regularly give large donations. She also shared that a highlight was when the Dallas School District teachers gave a significant donation to the food pantry, which helped tremendously. Another highlight Kathy mentioned was that our food pantry shares and trades resources with other food pantries in the area. If we have a plethora of something we are able to share that with another food pantry and in return they are able to share items that they have an abundance of.


How has being part of this strengthened your relationship with the Lord?

Marie: “I love serving Him and it’s wonderful to see how He provides for us.”

Kathy: Kathy states that being a part of this ministry has blessed her in more ways than she feels she has blessed others. She said that using her talents for the Lord to bring glory to Him has brought her so much joy.


How have you seen others grow who have been part of the ministry?

Marie: “I have developed close friendships with the ladies who help me in the closet. We share our  burdens and pray for one another.”

Kathy: Although she does not know of any families who have directly started attending Fellowship because of the Food Pantry, she said that many questions are asked about the church when individuals come to pick up food and resources are handed out.  Children of the families who utilize the food pantry have attended our outreaches such as Fall Festival, Easter Celebration, and Vacation Bible School.


How do you see the expansion of our facilities impacting your ministry and better fulfilling their purpose?

Marie: “We will have a storage closet adjacent to our Clothes Closet so it will be more efficient. Also we will have a proper dressing room. The Clothes Closet will be more appealing to the many who will be using it.”

Kathy: The expansion of our facilities would greatly impact the Food Pantry ministry. It would enable more space to be designated for this ministry. With more space, we will be able to collect and store more food, enabling us to reach out and minister to more families throughout the community,

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